Did you know there are HUD protections for survivors of violence?

Applicants and tenants of certain HUD rental assistance programs may not be denied housing, evicted, or have their housing assistance terminated because they have experienced: -domestic violence; -dating violence; -sexual assault; or -stalking. Additionally, survivors are able to ask for an emergency housing transfer for safety reasons. These protections fall under the Violence Against Women …

The Montana Eviction Intervention Project: Legal Relief for Montana Tenants in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic (MIE Journal)

MLSA’s Emily McLean, Brittney Mada, and Bill Hooks published a Special Feature in the Management Information Exchange (MIE) Journal. Their work is titled “The Montana Eviction Intervention Project: Legal Relief for Montana Tenants in the Wake of the COVID-19 Pandemic.” The article outlines how MLSA partnered with the Montana Department of Commerce to begin the …

Legal Aid Among Services to Take On Youth Homelessness in MT (Public News Service)

A federal grant is helping Montana tackle homelessness among the state’s young people. The Treasure State was chosen as a rural recipient of a $3.4 million grant from the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Project, created by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Nichole Heyer is navigator of the project for Montana Legal Services Association. …

Providence launches first hospital-based medical-legal partnership in Montana

In early 2020, Providence Montana and the Montana Legal Services Association (MLSA), with support from the Montana Healthcare Foundation, launched a medical-legal partnership (MLP) to provide support to patients in need of civil-legal assistance. Through this program, low-income patients can receive free legal help in areas of law including housing, benefits, insurance, education and employment, …